
電話:2337 3897
傳真:2337 2714

捐款方法 Donation Methods

抬頭請寫「亞洲婦女協進會有限公司」Please make the cheque payable to “Asia Women’s League Limited”

匯豐銀行戶口號碼 HSBC Account 004-500-661988-001

FPS ID #107798886 或 捐款電話號碼 Tel 6507 9800

“Asia Women’s League Limited”

掃瞄 PayMe QR code
或 捐款電話號碼 Tel 6507 9800

. 請將支票或銀行存款單連同本確認書寄回本會。
Please send the cheque or bank deposit slip along with this confirmation letter to our organization.

. 如經電子形式捐款後,請把「成功捐款頁面截圖」及閣下的姓名、電話、地址和捐款項目電郵至marketing@awl.org.hk 或連同此確認書寄回本會。After making a donation electronically, please screenshot the successful donation page along with your name, tel, address and project name and email it to marketing@awl.org.hk or please send this confirmation letter to our organization.

. 捐贈港幣一百元或以上可獲亞洲婦女協進會有限公司發出適用於香港申請扣減稅項之捐款收據。 Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt.

謝謝! Thank you!

為表謝意,我們會將捐款者 / 捐款機構芳名刊於年報中。 To show our gratitude for your donation, donor / organization will be acknowledged in our Annual Report.

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